Sunday 26 February 2012

WOW 100 followers

Thank you Thank you, to my new followers, you have got me to 100, I am so pleased with all my friends, that's what I feel you all are, you have given me encouragement and support, shown you care when i am poorly, admired my miniatures and helped me to believe in myself, thank you does not seem enough, so I will be sorting out  a give a way, so watch this space,  I will be doing it soon.

Now this weekend, what have I been doing, no minis, home life and housework got in the way, my son and his girlfriend have been over from Edinburgh, so I got time to be with him, I do not see him a lot so every visit is very special.

I also had a ultra scan to my right shoulder, bit disappointed, I suppose I was expecting to be told it was ok, since I have been on my steroids the pain had been less and I had a lot more movement, so entered the room today with a smile and left with a frown, I have a 2cm spilt to the top tendon and a small tear to the one in the front, so now I have got to have an operation, but because of my medical condition and medication, it has got to be
at least a 3 day stay, I have got to contact my consultantstomorrow and wait to see what is going to happen, I continue to smile, hard sometimes, but never mind, life goes on and there are many worse off then me. well moan over.

Will be back to my minis tomorrow, and staring to sort out the give a way, so again thank you

see you all soon xxxx mini hugs


Anna said...

o dear...that's not nice to hear about shoulder-operation! I truly hope you will quickly be done with that! But keep spirits up! I know...easy to say, difficult to do...but i am sure, you will make it! Many Greetings and some sunshine from here today, expecting rain and cold again...hope it will be the last now!

Rosamargarita said...

Siento mucho lo de la operación de tu hombro, pero seguramente todo irá bien!
Felicitaciones por tus seguidores (deserved)
Un abrazo

PAKY said...

Congratulations Debbie for your 100 followers,and I hope everything goes well, encouraging. Regards.

Sonja said...

Hi Debbie,
I wish you also a lot sunshine and I hope you feel better in the next days! I cross my fingers for you.
Congratulations for 100 blog followers.
A big hug from Germany

Maria Ireland said...

Congratulations on 100 followers. I hope all goes well for you. Take care.
Hugs Maria

Ascension said...

Felicidades por tus seguidores.
Espero que todo vaya bien en tu recuperacion.
besitos ascension