Saturday, 15 September 2012

good morning

Hi All
I got on very well with my latest project yesterday, it did involve more cutting of wood and painting, but slowly I am putting it together, I have no real plan, I just make it up as I go along, I do have a couple of pictures of chalets that I use as a reference.

I have put the back wall on and inserted a window, I have made a frame to go round the window, which is drying and I will be finishing it today, I also made the curtains, i had some lovely Christmas's material so I thought that would look good,

still no news about Mini Jazzi, I have begged, pleaded, bribed but they will not tell me, will have to wait, hope she appears soon, bit worried that she may have got lost!!

showing the curtains and the ground floor

Friday, 14 September 2012

no mini day

Hi All
Hello and welcome to my new followers, thank you for joining my blog, I hope you will enjoy what you see, feel free to comment, I love comments.

Well yesterday I did not get any minis done, but my son cleaned all the carpets, I have got a new VAX carpet cleaner, I must admit it was easy to use and my carpets look lovely, it must of done something my son decided to clean out the pit, ( that's what I call his bedroom) I usually keep the door shut, I am under the impression what the eye does not see, I will not grieve over, but I let him keep his door open, how long will this last.

Where is Mini Jazzi, I noticed that Jazzi knows but she is giving no hints, as soon as I find out I will let you know.

I hope you join in the Give A ways I find, I do, never won but its fun trying.

Today now that I have a very clean bungalow I can spend the day in my work room, how is it when you are clean and tidy, no one visits, but the minute you are upside down, beds not made, washing up in the sink, we all know the story, some one will call round!!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Evolve Miniatures: SORTEO/GIVEAWAY 16 SEPTIEMBRE 2012

Evolve Miniatures: SORTEO/GIVEAWAY 16 SEPTIEMBRE 2012: En la anterior entrada os anuncié un sorteo para celebrar la puesta en marcha de la pagina de ventas online.  Os recuerdo el enlace: http...

I keep finding great Give a Ways, be quick with this one only a few days left

Its still working

Hi All
Yes its still working, I can still post photos, anyone else tried it?

 I continued on with my chalet,it takes a while building it, I did manage to get the sides and the back attached, I did not like the look of the inside, so I have lined the walls, well it would be cold where Santa lives so they would need insulation, that's my excuse. I did take some photos but all but one came out blurred and then my camera stopped, I needed to charge up the battery, so will take more today, have put 1 on so you can see the sides attached.

I am excited I got a new carpet cleaner yesterday, with having got 2 little dogs and the baby one a bit naughty, you know what I mean, I thought it would be a good idea, I was going to hire one, but it proves cheaper to buy one, my son will be cleaning carpets today, ( he don,t know yet, he is still in bed) that's another thing, when do they stop sleeping all day?

I must mention the weather, its cold, yes cold, last week we was boiling up in the 80's, and this week I am thinking of putting the heating on, what is going on? I suppose its not raining so that's a blessing.

better show you the photo

sides going on

this will be the front, leaving a space for the door and window

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Dollhouse Miniatures By Felma: Coming Out Of The Closet to Start "My Journey To Celebrating Life" Has Been A True Blessing!

Dollhouse Miniatures By Felma: Coming Out Of The Closet to Start "My Journey To Celebrating Life" Has Been A True Blessing!
another great give a way, just check out these dresses, they are just to lovely for words, I want one

Hi All
I got a lot done yesterday, no point in showing photo's, it's just paint drying. that's what seems to happen when you are constructing, you make a bit, paint it, wait for it to dry, add a bit, paint it , wait to dry, it goes on, I made one of the sides and windows, they are ready today for me to start putting together, so there will be photos tomorrow, I had to find something to do while I wait,

I told you that I had a pine wall unit, I am going to start preparing that for painting today,
I have just realised as I write this, more painting, the job I hate.

No news yet on Mini Jazzi, wonder where she is?  she is travelling to ??? will let you know when she arrives, it was  great idea from Jazzi, will be so excited when she comes to me, I will have to make her a friend, as I am sure she will want someone her size to talk to.

well of to paint!!!

this is the unit I am going to shabby chic,

picked this key cabinet up for 1.50, going to shabby chic it

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

I done it

Hi All
Yes I done it, I found the way to put my pictures on my blog, its a long way round and a bit of a bother but after lots of playing around I did it, clever me, boasting I know, but after the headaches it gave me I think I am entitled to,
For those you have been having the same problem, this is how I did it.

on my Picasa photos I placed the photos I wanted in the try, clicked on share on google, clicked on reduce size, then upload, then on blog click on add pictures symbol and click on from Picasa web album, there are your pictures, click on the ones you want to add and there you are, told you it is a long way round.

At last I can show you pictures, I must admit it made me not feel like doing my blog as it seemed boring without a picture to show you, I did it, cannot help saying it I am so pleased. well enough about me and how clever I am,

I have been busy and have started a new project, I wanted to do a Christmas cabin, I looked at buying a cabin, but they are quite expensive so I looked around the Internet at pictures of cabins, I found one that someone had made for their children using lolly sticks, well I have lots of lolly sticks, so I drew my design and decided to make my own, i will put on the stages so you can see how I did it.

I have also been doing more bashing and changing some of my minis, slowly I am getting through my stash, there is still a long way to go.

Lets see the pictures, I just love saying that

getting ready for Christmas

shabby drawers

cute in pink

I am seeing seeing spots

Picture 1. this is the base of the cabin,  used a bit of foam board, as I had this lying around and it did not need cutting to size, it measured 11.5" x 8", the cabin will be 11.5" x 6" this leaves me a bit at the front for putting a Xmas tree and other bits.
Picture 2, shows the floor boards, again I had these, so no money spent yet, I laid these down, staggering them so thaey look like floor boards.
Picture 3, show the stain, I used a stain combined with varnish, saves time.
Today I hope to be doing the sides and start to construct the roof,
see you next time with, Yes I have got to say it PHOTOS!!!!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Evalina Rose: End of the summer, Beach-house Give-away

Evalina Rose: End of the summer, Beach-house Give-away: This Sea Fairy House is part of my give-away.  I made a similar house for my Beach House and will set it into the garden when I make one,...

this is one of the best give a ways I have seen, get your name down to be in with a chance to win it, I have

Sunday, 9 September 2012

I may have the answer

Hi All
I am still here
thank you for your very helpful suggestions about getting my pictures back, I think I may have found a way, I tried deleting some of my first posts this did not work,  After pulling my hair out, screaming and staying away from the computer as I was my frustration may make me do something stupid. I came back to it having had a few days to think about it,
I went into uploading photos and went to my Picasa web albums, I was able to upload a picture from there. now all I have to do is to work out how to delete photos from there as I have used all my space up and I am to mean to pay for more, I will try resizing them first, if that does not work I will delete some, so here I go again.
Who thought that posting a picture could cause so many problems.

my eldest son( he is wearing a wig) and me

Told you it would work xx