Hi All this Kopy Kat work is addictive, I keep thinking the last mini will be the last and then I will go on to something else, but then I flick through Pinterest and see other stuff I like and before I know it there I am starting another bit, oh well it looks like I shall be doing more. so this next mini is again took from a door that has been recycled into a unit, and again I would love this in my house. see what you think
Hi All Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers, my sister in law is going onto hospital on Wednesday to have the stent put in, this will hopefully make her more comfortable. She is being very strong and fighting this,. I have been continuing my Kopy Kats, it is great fun, half the battle is finding the right furniture ad in some cases the right decoupage to go on it. I decided to do a couple of small boxes that I saw, these were so easy to make, I just cut balsa wood to the size I wanted and the covered it, I do not have a picture of these, I got them out of a magazine. I copied a chest, I painted an old chest I already had, I used off white and grey, distressed it added a picture to the top, I painted card the same colour and cut this to represent the edges of the chest, I had some thin off white leather, I used this for the straps, the catch was painted and added, I love this one.