Friday 14 September 2012

no mini day

Hi All
Hello and welcome to my new followers, thank you for joining my blog, I hope you will enjoy what you see, feel free to comment, I love comments.

Well yesterday I did not get any minis done, but my son cleaned all the carpets, I have got a new VAX carpet cleaner, I must admit it was easy to use and my carpets look lovely, it must of done something my son decided to clean out the pit, ( that's what I call his bedroom) I usually keep the door shut, I am under the impression what the eye does not see, I will not grieve over, but I let him keep his door open, how long will this last.

Where is Mini Jazzi, I noticed that Jazzi knows but she is giving no hints, as soon as I find out I will let you know.

I hope you join in the Give A ways I find, I do, never won but its fun trying.

Today now that I have a very clean bungalow I can spend the day in my work room, how is it when you are clean and tidy, no one visits, but the minute you are upside down, beds not made, washing up in the sink, we all know the story, some one will call round!!


Jazzi said...

I only found out today after hounding poor Anne for clues! You new vac sounds great!

Drora's minimundo said...

I had to laugh at your remark about visitors coming when the house is untidy. A received a little magnet for my refregirator that says "The house is clean and shiny only at boring housewifes' home" (Free translation).
Congratulations for your new vacuum cleaner.
Hugs, Drora