Monday, 21 July 2014



yes I am back, lots to tell you, I could not believe how low I got, it was hard for me as I am a very positive happy go lucky person, so to get depressed was hard to accept, anyway I am now in a much better place.

I took my dad to Edinburgh, he had never been and it gave me a chance to spend time with my son and his wife, Amy is blooming now and looks very well, not long now, September 2nd is the due date, but as we all know babies decide when to come, they are both excited, buying baby bits.I took them loads of baby stuff I had been busy sewing, I made a changing bag, which they loved.
Have a look

its a bag, handles open so it can be put over the handle of the pram

pockets for the baby bits

the changing mat
Since I came back, I have had orders for a changing bag and bibs/burp pads. I have been busy sewing, I am going to try to sell them, thinking of opening a Esty shop, but am struggling with a name, any ideas?
skull set

blanket with fleece backing
tag toy, I really love making these.
I had forgotten how much I enjoy sewing, and it made a nice change from minis. 

I have been commissioned to make a mini item for a bikers fest in September, took a while for me to come up with an idea, I finally decided on a bikers workshop inside a helmet, would not be me if I took the easy route, this gave me back my interest in minis, had lost my mojo for a while, I intend to use a lot of oddments and recycle as much as I can, I am also having a stall there, Looking forward to that, I will show off the stuff I make, it will include: minis, shabby chic boxes, baby stuff and a few keyrings, I am going to take Franks Place  ( this was the project I made using parts from the inside of a old computer tower. Will have to make cards so that if people are interested in my work they will know where to find me.

Franks Place.

this is the helmet I will be making the scene in and some of the stuff I have collected, I got given some small motor cycles.

I will show you this as as I do it, I have bits that I have made and have been painted, will pop on some photos soon.

my health is not to bad, although as much as I love this heat wave we are having, it does help my breathing.  I now have a personal trainer, I visit her once a month and we do chair exercisers and talk about my diet, I am a stone over weight, but it is very hard to lose the weight as I am unable to do much exercise and the side effects of my medication is fluid, but giving it a go, also I am going to pulmonary rehab, this is a 8 week course,2 afternoons a week,this is to help me with my breathing and to help me by providing me with coping ideas, all this came about from my last COPD appointment. 

So there you are, what I have been doing, I have been reading your blogs and have enjoyed seeing your creations, what a talented bunch of people you all are.

catch you all soon 


MelyGiunta said...

Sono molto felice per il bimbo in arrivo, un bambino è una gioia immensa! I tuoi lavori sono stupendi, perfetti per la carrozzina e per il bimbo!
Un abbraccio

The grandmommy said...

Hi Debbie,
Glad you are feeling better! I know well about that depression dragon.
You grandbaby will be very fashionable. I think you should call you Etsy shop just that, BABY BITS.
The idea of the helmet is a really great one. I know it will be every bit as cool as Frank's place. I am looking forward to seeing it. :-)

Sans! said...

Its really good to see you back and up, Debbie! And you have sewn a really charming bag. No wonder they are popular!

"Stay positive " easier said than done I know. But somehow believing always that there's a light at the end of the tunnel is what keeps most of us going.

Marisa said...

welcome back, I love your changing bag :)
