Saturday 21 April 2012

got distracted

Hi All
I went into my work room, ready to finish my sink unit, I noticed the lovely lace I had brought from the fair it looked like it could be made into net curtains for the shop window.
Here's how I did it.

First I measured the lace, to determine the amount I needed, I was able to make it so I had the curves at each window.

I got some pink ribbon and using a small running stitch I attached the ribbon and gathered the lace

I then added pink roses to the bottom of the gathered lace

I painted a kebab stick pink, added gold findings to the ends, and used little gold rings to attach the net, this will then be placed in the window,
I am not ready yet, in fact I am a long way off to putting up curtains, but as I said I could not resist making them.

I also had a good clear out in my work room, I am running out of space, I made the decision to put my Victorian House into the loft, I do not have the time to finish it. I have so many projects that I am doing and I have also got a commission for a room box as  artists studio, so something had to give.
I have lots of space now for my work.


Drora's minimundo said...

Beautiful lace. Very romantic curtains.
Better not remind me about clearing my work room. The moment I do, after days of work, I don't find things I need.

Rosamargarita said...

El encaje es maravilloso, tus cotinas son de lujo
Un abrazo

Fabiola said...

Very elegant.
Bye Faby