Monday 12 March 2012

fed up

Hi all
as you know  was doing a charity fair on Sunday, well I arrived at the right time, set out my table, which looked good, and then I waited, had a cup of coffee, waited, spoke to the other stall holders, there was 11 of us, I spoke to the organiser and asked her where she had advertised, and guess what, she had not advertised, said it cost to much!!!!!
anyway after discussion with 2 nice ladies, one had cards to sell and the other jewellery, we decided to pack up and go home, so I wasted money and time, the best bit, when I was going the organiser asks me if I would do the next one, cannot really repeat the answer, think you can guess.
That was my first and only time doing a fair.

Back to minis, I am still trying to create hedgehogs, I had an idea that small bottle brushes would work, but when I cut the wire to the length I wanted, it fell apart, I will be having another go today.

I know what the house will look like, I am thinking a tree trunk, have been drawing out designs, they are looking at me on my mood board, I will decide which one I like the best.

so not a lot to tell you today, should be more tomorrow,

1 comment:

Giac said...

Good morning debbie,
I'm sorry you had to go through that. I can't believe how inconciderate an ill prepared people can be. How frustrating that must of been.
I can't wait to see more about the house.
Have a wonderful week,
P.S. I replied to your comment about the ceilings in the Master Bedroom at Dewel Manor. Let me know if I can help any further.