Saturday 24 September 2011

nearly there

Making good progress these last few days, despite my rt arm trying to stop me, its will never win.
Next came the best bit putting it together, I did not realise I had so much to put in it, so I had to decide on what bits to use, hopefully I have picked the best pieces,
the jewellery I decided to place in the gold trunk, I did not have room to show it all, but I know its there and it will be fun finding the bits hidden there.

I had to make shelves for some of the bigger pieces, they would not fit in the units, so I did not use all of the units, this did give me more room.

I have started to place the paving slabs to the front and hopefully tomorrow I can begin laying the grass, i think I need to make a fence around it as well, I shall have to look at it and see what it tells me to do, yes I do think my miniatures tell me what they want me to do.

I have started making little labels and signs, I was going to price items up but decided to make it an exclusive shop where you have to ask the prices, that way I will know the customers can afford it, I am also going to make the shop open by appointment only.

anyway enough chat lets take a look, remember to poke the pictures to make them larger and to see the details.


Unknown said...

Fabuloso, te ha quedao genial, ademas se sale de lo habitual, te felicito por el arte que has tenido en montarlo, besos,

mi enlace Picasa

Sandra said...

That is looking soooo good! I'm amazed at what you can achieve even with your right arm giving you trouble. Well done!
Sandie (Snippets from my Studio)

Ana said...

My goodness Debbie,
Your mini shop is looking great. So much detail...I love it. You are very creative and very patient my dear. Great job. Have a wonderful day.

Hugs and Kisses,

Dale Fluty said...

Debbie, that is an amazing shop you have put together and I love the large collection of Egyptian items. Beautiful!