Wednesday 11 September 2013

bet you did not expect this

Hi All

are you ready for this, after getting myself all ready for my op on the Monday, I got a phone call on the Sunday night to tell me they were cancelling ops as they had a bed crisis, they did say I may have a bed at the treatment centre, but as I was a high risk they did not think I would have my operation, so I am now back to waiting, ever get the idea that I am not destined to have my shoulder repaired.

At least my house is spotless and I have meals in the freezer, so I suppose its not all bad

I am slowly getting my mind set into doing minis again, I am working on ladies dressing table accessories, hopefully I will have some photos for you later today.


Isabel said...

Hola Debbie, siento que no te hayan podido operar como lo tenias previsto, espero que pronto te avisen y te recuperes de tu hombro. Pero como dices no todo es malo, a cambio tienes tu casa limpia y la nevera repleta.

elizabeth s said...

Unbelievable! It takes so much preparation mental, spiritual, and physical to get yourself ready for the hospital in the first place and then this.....? I am shaking my head at it all, and so sorry that this has happened to you, but I hope that you will be okay, Debbie. What to do, what to do?....
